Dimax Puzzles ئاپەکان

Dogs Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Dogs Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Dogs fans.
Motorcycles Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Motorcycles Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Motorcycles fans.
Tractor Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Tractor Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzlegame for real fans of Tractor.Tractor Puzzles features:- 32 Tractor Puzzles.- Four game modes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6.- Play any Tractor Puzzles you want from the start.- Light weight of the app.- Compatible with phones and tablets.- Absolutely free game.Some facts about Tractor:- Wheeled tractors can be used on public roads, where they candevelop greater speed. However, their strength of adhesion to theground is limited and, therefore, limited and the thrust force. Onloose soil such tractors can slip.- Some wheeled tractors conversion on the stroke of half-track andlow-pressure tyres to work in wet and loose soils.- Crawler tractors are widely used in agriculture, in non-cohesivesoils and in industry because of its simplicity.- Row crop tractors with ground clearance of 450 mm has been calleduniversal. Universality implies both the possibility of cultivationof different crops and the different kinds of work. An importantfeature of universal tractors is the ability to control the trackwidth.- Transport tractors are only wheeled. Intended for the carriage ofagricultural cargoes on trailers. Have a high working speeds up to50 km/h . The transport of agricultural goods transport tractorsless expensive than freight vehicles of similar capacity.Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright of their legalowners.No copyright infringement is intended, any request to remove anyimage will be honored.This game is unofficial and created for Tractors fans.
Nature Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Nature Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzle game for real fans ofNature. Nature Puzzles features: - 28 Nature Puzzles. - Four gamemodes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6. - Play any Nature Puzzles you want fromthe start. - Light weight of the app. - Compatible with phones andtablets. - Absolutely free game. Some facts about Nature : -Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural,physical, or material world or universe. "Nature" refers to thephenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. -Water is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen and isrequired for activity of all known forms of life. - The ocean holdsthe bulk of the salt water of the Earth, and is the principalcomponent of the hydrosphere. - The lake is a component of thehydrosphere, which is a natural or artificial pond filled withinlake bowl (lake bed) with water and have no direct connection withthe sea (ocean). - The pond - the pond with stagnant water, naturalor artificial origin, with dimensions smaller than the lake. - Amountain is a large landform that stretches above the surroundingland in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountainis generally steeper than a hill. Mountains are formed throughtectonic forces or volcanism. These forces can locally raise thesurface of the earth. - The highest mountain on Earth is MountEverest in the Himalayas of Asia. - Waterfall - falling water inthe river from the ledge, crossing the river bed. In contrast,river rapids, waterfalls characterized by a sharp elevation of theriver bottom and otvesnost fall. Disclaimer: Any images are undercopyright of their legal owners. No copyright infringement isintended, any request to remove any image will be honored. Thisgame is unofficial and created for Nature fans.
Castles Puzzles 1.0.3
Dimax Puzzles
Castles Puzzles is our new thrillingpuzzlegame for real fans of castles and palaces.Castles Puzzles features:- 28 Castles and palaces Puzzles.- Four game modes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6.- Play any Castles and palaces Puzzles you want fromthestart.- Light weight of the app.- Compatible with phones and tablets.- Auto-rotate screen.- Absolutely free game.Some facts about Castles and palaces :- Castle - building (or complex of buildings), combiningresidentialand defensive fortification task. In the most commonmeaning of theword - fortified dwelling of the feudal lords inmedievalEurope.- Usage of the term has varied over time and has been appliedtostructures as diverse as hill forts and country houses. Overtheapproximately 900 years that castles were built, they took onagreat many forms with many different features, although some,suchas curtain walls and arrowslits, were commonplace.- Many castles were originally built from earth and timber, buthadtheir defences replaced later by stone. Early castlesoftenexploited natural defences, and lacked features such as towersandarrowslits and relied on a central keep. In the late 12th andearly13th centuries, a scientific approach to castledefenceemerged.- In our time the locks perform a decorative function. Some ofthemturned into restaurants, while others are in museums.Somerefurbish and rent for sale or rent.- The Palace is a large monumental building is equally notableforits architecture, was originally the residence of thereigningsovereign individuals of the highest nobility and since theXIIIcentury, also called some of the buildings ofstateauthorities.Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright of theirlegalowners.No copyright infringement is intended, any request to removeanyimage will be honored.This game is unofficial and created for castles andpalacesfans.
Snow Puzzles 1.0.0
Dimax Puzzles
Snow Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzlegamefor real fans of Snow and Winter.Snow Puzzles features:- 28 Snow Puzzles.- Four game modes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6.- Play any Snow Puzzles you want from the start.- Light weight of the app.- Compatible with phones and tablets.- Absolutely free game.Some facts about Snow:- Snow is a form of precipitation consisting of smallicecrystals. Refers to the cover art precipitation falling ontheearth's surface.- The process of precipitating snow is called snowfall.- Snow is one of the indispensable attributes of winter. Despitethefact that the possible low winter temperatures and lack ofsnow, oneof the main climatic conditions of winter - stable(constant) snowcover, which lies throughout the wintercontinuously or with shortbreaks.- Snow relatively high density is used in the constructionofneedle.- In normal conditions the snow melts at temperatures above 0°C.However, the nature of significant amounts of snow evaporate atlowtemperatures, bypassing the liquid phase.- The creak of the snow can be heard at a temperature below -2°.Above this temperature do not hear a squeak.- There is such a variety of snowflakes, which isgenerallyconsidered that there are no two identicalsnowflakes.- The main symptom of the Winter - resistant low temperature(below0 degrees Celsius), in many parts of the Earth falls and liesonthe surface of the snow.- In winter, celebrate one of the major holidays - New year, from31December to 1 January.Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright of theirlegalowners.No copyright infringement is intended, any request to removeanyimage will be honored.This game is unofficial and created for Snow fans.
Trucks Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Trucks Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Trucks fans.
Dinosaurs Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
New Puzzles game for real Dinosaurs fans.
Love Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Love Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzle gamefor real fans of Love.Love Puzzles features:- 28 Love Puzzles.- Four game modes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6.- Play any Love Puzzles you want from the start.- Light weight of the app.- Compatible with phones and tablets.- Absolutely free game.Some facts about Love:- Love is one of the fundamental and common themes in world cultureand art.- Love is the feeling of human nature, deep affection for anotherperson or object, a feeling of deep sympathy.- Reasoning about love and its analysis as phenomena date back toancient philosophical systems and literary monuments, famouspeople.- Love is the most important subjective indicator ofhappiness.- Love is sometimes referred to as an "international language" thatoverrides cultural and linguistic divisions.- The Japanese language uses three words to convey the Englishequivalent of "love".- In Turkish, the word "love" comes up with several meanings. Aperson can love a god, a person, parents, or family.Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright of their legalowners.No copyright infringement is intended, any request to remove anyimage will be honored.This game is unofficial and created for Love fans.
Christmas Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Christmas Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Christmas fans.
Kids Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Kids Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Kids fans.
New Year Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
New Year Puzzles New Year Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzle gamefor real fans of New Year. New Year Puzzles features: - 28 New YearPuzzles. - Four game modes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6. - Play any New YearPuzzles you want from the start. - Light weight of the app. -Compatible with phones and tablets. - Absolutely free game. Somefacts about New Year : - New Year is the oldest of all holidays, asit was first observed in ancient Babylon as many as 4000 years ago.- Celebrating New Year on January 1 is purely arbitrary, as neitherit has agricultural significance nor astronomical. Many countriesstill celebrate it in spring, the season of rebirth of new crops. -The Roman senate declared January 1 as the New Year in 153 BC.Though even this date saw major tampering, it was Julius Caesar whoagain declared January 1 in Julian calendar as the New Year, in 46BC. - New Years is still observed as the Feast of Christ'sCircumcision by some denominations. - The Romans began a traditionof exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve, by giving one anotherbranches from sacred trees, for good fortune. The gift phenomenonis prevalent from those times, till date. - January 1 was revivedas New Year in 1582, by the Gregorian calendar and so celebrated bymost of the countries till date. - New Year is celebrated like afestival throughout the world and everyone around is in festivemood, partying, singing and dancing to ring out the old year andring in the new. - It was once believed that the first visitor onNew Year's Day would bring either good luck or bad luck for therest of the year, depending on who he/she was. - Many culturesbelieve that anything given or taken on New Year, in the shape of aring is good luck, because it symbolizes "coming full circle". -Many parts of the U.S. celebrate New Year by consuming black-eyedpeas and other legumes, as it has been considered good luck in manycultures. - The tradition of making New Year resolution dates backto the early Babylonians. - The Spanish ritual on New Year's eve isto eat twelve grapes at midnight. The tradition is meant to securetwelve happy months in the coming year. - Noisemaking and fireworkson New Year's Eve is believed to have originated in ancient times,when noise and fire were thought to dispel evil spirits and bringgood luck. - In Italy, people wear underwear on New Years Day as asymbol of good luck of the upcoming year. - The New Years Eve ballwas not lowered in 1942 and 1943 because of WWII. - Top three NewYears Eve destinations in the U.S. are Las Vegas, Disney World andNew York City. - For good luck in the New Year you should eatblack-eyed peas and ham or cabbage. To avoid a reversal of fortune,do not eat lobster or chicken. - If Santa is the most common symbolassociated with Christmas, then Baby New Year is the symbol mostcommonly associated with.you guessed it, New Year's! Baby New Yearis often seen in a diaper, black top hat, and a sash showing thenumbers of the new year. Myth states that he matures into an oldman during the year. Disclaimer: Any images are under copyright oftheir legal owners. No copyright infringement is intended, anyrequest to remove any image will be honored. This game isunofficial and created for New Year fans.
Birds Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Birds Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Birds fans.
Puppies Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
New Puzzles game for real Puppies fans.
Flowers Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
New Puzzles game for real Flowers fans.
Fruits Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Fruits Puzzles is our new thrilling puzzle game for real fans ofFruits. Fruits Puzzles features: - 28 Fruits Puzzles. - Four gamemodes: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6. - Play any Fruits Puzzles you want fromthe start. - Light weight of the app. - Compatible with phones andtablets. - Absolutely free game. Some facts about Fruits : - Fruit- juicy edible fruit of the tree or shrub. A variety of fruits areberries. - In common language usage, "fruit" normally means thefleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sourand edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes,strawberries, bananas, and lemons. - On the other hand, thebotanical sense of "fruit" includes many structures that are notcommonly called "fruits", such as bean pods, corn kernels, wheatgrains, and tomatoes. - A world record for watermelon weight isabout 119 pounds. - Orange trees are widely grown in tropical andsubtropical climates for their sweet fruit. The fruit of the orangetree can be eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrantpeel. - Compared to other fruits and vegetables, apples contain somuch vitamin C, but rich in other antioxidants. - Externally, thegrapefruit is similar to the fruit of the orange, but their fleshis more acidic and bitter aftertaste. Disclaimer: Any images areunder copyright of their legal owners. No copyright infringement isintended, any request to remove any image will be honored. Thisgame is unofficial and created for Fruits fans.
Trains Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Train Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Trains fans.
Kitty Puzzles 1.4.2
Dimax Puzzles
Kitty Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Kitty fans
Beautiful Horses Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
New Puzzles game for real Horses fans.
Farm Puzzles 1.4.1
Dimax Puzzles
Farm Puzzles. New Puzzles game for real Farm fans.